Master of Science in Building Construction Management: Sustainability and Efficiency

Become a qualified professional in architectural and urban design specialised in sustainability strategic criteria and be the key to the improvement of land modification

Nid: 1512

On completion of the Master, you will be able to:

  • Work as a management technician with specific skills to grow professionally as a specialist.
  • Manage the development of a construction.
  • Coordinate teams of technicians and write project documents elaborated in a multidisciplinary way, in areas of architecture and building.
  • Identify and apply legal foundations related to architecture and construction.
  • Learn about advanced technical and technological tools applied to sustainability and energy efficiency.
  • Manage and direct the quality control of the materials, control of work units, testing, sustainability and energy efficiency.
  • Carry out sustainable architectural designs and urban planning, making efficient use of resources and energy.
  • Carry out designs, calculations, execution, and architectural and town planning integration of energy efficient, sustainable and environmentally friendly facilities.
  • Generate a reflection on the model of efficient city and urban sustainability.
  • Perform a correct passive design and apply tools to verify it.
  • Promote the appropriate use of materials, resources and water.
  • Conduct solar energy projects, efficient air-conditioning systems, certifications and energy audits.